You’ll need a set of light - medium weight dumbbells for today’s workout.
TABATA = 8 ROUNDS // Each round = 20 sec. WORK, 10 sec. REST
Tabata works if you give the 20 seconds of work YOUR ALL. Don’t hesitate, push yourself (safely)!
Each TABATA SET has 2 EXERCISES. ALTERNATE EXERCISES in each Tabata set - you’ll do each exercise 4 times. Rest for 1 MINUTE before moving on to the next Tabata Set. Each Tabata Set will take you 5 minutes including the 1 minute rest.
TABATA SET 1: Repeat 4x
Forward Lunge - use dumbbells for added challenge ((20 sec. work, 10 sec. rest)
Skaters (20 sec. work, 10 sec. rest)
TABATA SET 2: 4x // 20 sec. work / 10 sec. rest each exercise
Bent Over Reverse Fly
Forearm Plank Mountain Climbers
TABATA SET 3: 4x // 20 sec. work / 10 sec. rest each exercise
Goblet Squats
Weighted Jumping Jacks
TABATA SET 4: 4x // 20 sec. work / 10 sec. rest each exercise
Skull Crusher w/Legs Extended - modifications: legs in tabletop or feet on floor
Straight Leg DB Roll Up